07 April 2020

Has your bunny’s behaviour taken a turn?

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The average lifespan of a rabbit is around eight years but it reaches the difficult teenage phase at anywhere between six months and a year.

It’s at this stage that you might notice your rabbit being a little moody and stand-offish, or more active than usual. To help you and your rabbit through what can be a tricky time the team at Denny has put together a few pointers. Of course, you can always contact us if you need any further advice.

In common with human teenagers, rabbits at this stage in their life need to find their place in the pecking order, whether it’s with fellow rabbits, its human family or other pets in the household, and their behaviour will reflect this.

Hormones may well be the culprit if your rabbit is displaying hyperactivity such as digging, thumping its hind legs, head-butting you or scratching. It may also become less inclined to interact with you. In both cases your pet may be seeking attention, but equally they may be trying to tell you something is wrong, so to be on the safe side if you’re at all worried do give the team a call on 01324 829 989 and they should be able to help.

If your pet hasn’t been neutered, this is probably at the root of the issue and we advise that you consider this option, especially if your pet is living with other rabbits and you don’t want a sudden population boom. Remember, it’s settling into its personality so do be patient – we all go through it.

You can make an appointment to discuss getting your rabbit neutered by phoning 01324 829 989 or contacting us online.

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If you have an appointment coming up or if your pet needs urgent attention, then please read our latest COVID-19 information on the current situation.

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